So yesterday I had a bit of an altercation with a local surfing instruction. Really, I did nothing bad, but the guy was a jerk.
Diesel and I went up to his shop to inquire about surfing classes. He mumbled something, and when Diesel asked him to please repeat, he condescendently repeated the price, very S-L-O-W-L-Y, as if he were a retard. I didn´t like that, so I told him he should be nicer to his clients. He was like: WHAT? I repeated and left. A few minutes later I see him charging to where we were, and I know he was going to bitch me out. There was a not so nice exchange of words on his part, as he blurted out all of the swear words he must have seen while watching Hollywood movies. There was the F word, the MF word. Nothing really made sense, and when he finally said I needed a man to protect me (don´t know where he got that from), I said I could defend myself thanks very much.
In this particular instance, those Asian kung-fu skills would have come very handy.
So today, when we went to a different surf shop ready to take a lesson, Sergio, our instructor, started giving us the first couple of tips. And there he was. The guy that bitched me out yesterday was walking in our direction. Sigh. But he went past us, and didn´t even direct a single foul word towards us.
Sergio took us out and I proceeded to chat with him. He told me he brother was also a surfing instructor, but he worked at the other shop. Uh-oh. I actually liked Sergio. Could it be that I had gotten into a fight with his brother the previous day? I decided to change the subject.
While in the water, Sergio started telling me about his family and the other instructions. It was then that my curiosity got the best of me, and I just had to ask: "So you know the guy with the long hair?¨ "Yes," he said "we call him pecho (which literally means "breasts, bust"). I proceeded, "Did he mention maybe...a fight he had yesterday?" Sergio confirmed: "Yeah, he said he told US ("who´s US," I wondered) into an argument with two people..." "Well, that was me, " I confessed. I clarified that pecho had been very very rude, and the only thing I did was tell him to be nicer to his customers. Sergio seemed a bit amused, and I realized that besides having a dirty mouth, pecho also had a big mouth, and as a consequence of his big huge mouth, came the infamy that would follow me until I departed Sayulita. I would forever be known as "la chinita" (little Chinese girl) that had gotten into an altercation with pecho. Regretfully, my fellow Chinese girls (of which there was a considerable number in Sayulita) would also be the objects of whispers and gossip, as I believed no Mexican could tell us apart, and thus, all of us chinitas would forever live in the infamy of Sayulita´s history, only because of my heroic efforts in the fight for consumer rights.
Unfazed by my confession, Sergio said I was fine, that they were all "buena onda" and that if I wanted to talk to pecho, he would talk to me as if nothing had ever happened. Thanks, but no thanks.
Surfing was a lot of fun though. Since I´ve been condemned to no sun (thanks to my greediness the first day) and no more surfing (thanks to pecho´s big mouth), I was ready to leave and head out to Guadalajara.