Saturday, April 22, 2006

At Work on Sat

I'm finishing up some things at work. Yes, it's sad. Sat, nice, sunny day (which has been rare around these parts), and I'm at work by myself. It's been 4 hrs since I got here...

So the funny part is that my supervisor said that she is trying to get more headcount for this team; however, it's hard for her to make a case for that when Falguni and I are still working BELOW the department average. WHAT THE HELL??? I only see a few people that get here at 8:30 and the floors CERTAINLY clear up as soon as 5:30 rolls around. I've been working my butt off, 10+ hrs a day (with no lunch break and very few bathroom brakes, which must not be good) and now Saturday.

So I think to myself: Are these people LYING? Do these people really WORK FROM HOME as they claim they do? I'm all for believing in the good nature of people, but everything I see leads me to believe that there are some people who are lying about how many hours they work, messing up the department curve and making me look like a slacker.

I will have to do some investigation around here...

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