...and damn one in particular: the backstabbing geek that works with me, which shall be called BG (for backstabbing geek) from now on.
If you're familiar with my postings, he is the damn geek who's responsible for the greatest visual offense in my workplace, namely,
his little Cosby sweater/maroon turtleneck combo. Not to mention his high water pants--he doesn't actually mean for them to be capri pants; it's just that he should be getting "tall" pants, but it seems like he doesn't think spending the extra money is worth it.
Sometimes you can't help but feel sorry for somebody so fashion and socially inept like this, but when a damn geek has an evil personality to match, well, then they are getting what they deserve.
So BG has tried to backstab me numerous times at work. I could go on and on about the shady tricks he tried to pull: blaming me for the way a report turned out (in that case, I told the whole team what had really happened, and he was silent--I think he was taken aback by the fact that I actually spoke up) or for the fact that we went way overbudget for one of our campaigns (when EVERYBODY knew that our supervisor specifically assigned HIM to monitor spend in this campaign), etc, etc.
I have even had people come up to me and ask what the hell his problem is and even go so far as to ask me why he's such an asshole. My manager has also brought up his attitude during one of our meetings, profusely apologizing for the fact that I had to "go through that." So in the land of the paranoid, well, in that land, there is no Kelly, because his condescending demeanor to me as well as the lack of respect that he shows are indeed, very real.
I have (and so has my supervisor) noticed that to get one piece of information I have to ask him for it two or three times.
This month, accounting is a mess, and although he is the one responsible for accounting, I've had to spend several hours cleaning up the accounting mess. Granted it was not his fault, I am not getting any help from him whatsoever. The worst part is, he always sends out e-mails to me saying that he'll help me (cc'ing my supervisor, so she THINKS he's helping me), but never does. Every time I ask for reports, etc, he will either 1) sigh in annoyance 2) second guess the fact that I actually NEED the requested information 3) find a way to turn things around and say that I in fact don't understand what's going on.
I have tried several strategies to deal with him in a civilized way, including asking my supervisor straight up if the way I'm doing things are correct (so BG can hear her say that) or ignoring his attitude altogether.
Well, the time has come. The damn geek is going down. I'm tired of his attitude and his lack of social skills. If you can't find a gf (he told me he THOUGHT he had a gf--and was even happy for a while, but all that bliss has come crashing down this week, so I need to inquire about his so-called relationship), don't have any friends but your computer and geek books, don't go taking it out on nice people such as myself.
With my supervisor gone during Feb and putting ME in charge of things, I just can't afford to deal with his attitude problem. I'll put BG in his place and retalliate if necessary. To get things done, of course.
More to come...