Thursday, April 20, 2006

Prayer Chain (Please don't die Diesel)

So Diesel and some guys took off this morning on their quest to summit Mount Rainier.
Simultaneously, I have started a prayer chain, where me, myself, and the few other people that care about him will pray for his safety and hope for his successful summit of Rainier.
You see, Diesel has not been training for this. Sure, the guy has done it once (but alternatively failed once too), but his previous attempts were preceeded by dedication, hard work and a good amount of training.

This time Diesel goes with only hope and the Hudson boys. Hope that he will make it without any sort of significant training and prep work and the Hudson boys, who both Brian and he have been referring to as "horses." The plan is to have the Hudson boys do all the bushwhacking. Not sure if the Hudson boys are aware of this, but I do hope that Brian and Diesel are not overrelying on them.

If you read this and would like to join the prayer chain, feel free to do so.

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