Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Into the World of White Peeps

It's true. By marrying Tim, I have fallen deeper into the abyss of the world of white peeps. Not only will I carry the name "Sale" and have a jar of pickles in my fridge, but now, I will also have one of those cheesy studio-made portraits; or worse yet, I will be the subject of one of those lame pics that people put in gold picture frames right next to little glass bells and Hallmark Precious Moments figurines.

It all started when Tim apologetically told me that next week, when we go to Arizona for a pre-Xmas weekend, we would be taking a family pic. That in itself made me cringe. You see, Asian people would never SPEND the money to have a real photographer take a professional picture. Not only that, my Asian peeps are too reserved and awkward to pose in front of a studio camera.

And tonight, I just found out that I will have to comply with a strict dress code, namely two sets of choices: jeans or khakis and white or denim shirt. When asked "WHY, oh WHY" it would have to be that way, we were told that "it looks better when everybody looks the same." Sometimes I wonder if they remember that I'm Asian.


Anonymous said...

d00d. While I don't understand the color rules myself, my parents aren't so ghetto to setup hallmark picture frames and figurines.

In the end I find all of this amusing when it comes from the girl who buys clothes and wears them with the tag still on (and hidden) so that later she can return them if she decides that they aren't quite "right"!

Unknown said...

ummm I take it that the "anonymous" comment is left by DIESEL? Diesel, don't be ashamed to leave your name! Be proud of your white-ness!

Cat said...

Kelly, you crack me up!

Tarah, Urban Fashion Network said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not ashamed. I just don't know how to use a computer. Teh intarweb is hard!

Anonymous said...

well, i married tom for over 5 years, we never took family photos. so i guess not all the white family do that. no matter what you wear, you are still you. dont let those dress code bother you too much :-) Good luck~~ vvn

Anonymous said...

OK. Kelly was of right on the money with this one. We did successfully overturn the dress code. Hooray! However, when we arrived at the place of the shoot, we noticed horses, chickens, and all sorts of farm style shite. WTF?! This is NOT the family i was raised in and i attribute the whole thing to my sister living in TN for several years.

At one point they asked Kelly and I to pose next to a rope swing. I vetod the decision only to have them suggest that we lay face first under a free with fallen leaves. I didn't have the heart to veto this one as well and Kelly and I were holding back the tears/laugther as the photographer suggested we could use one of these pictures as our engagement picture...

Not on my life.

David said...

This shit is so funny. When are the pictures being posted.

Kelly said...

When (if) we get the pics, I'll post them here. Then we can all laugh together...