Tuesday, February 28, 2006

God Bless DDR!

Tim and I have been busy remodelling his kitchen, so although I was very excited about finally cracking open my DDR set and joining the new dance revolution, I just never got around to doing it. Never, that is, until this weekend.

In honor of the greatest Japanese invention of the decade, I decided to throw a DDR party last Friday. This was, of course, only an excuse to catch up with friends and give everybody a chance to bust out those dance moves that they've been saving for a special occasion. And believe me, these were moves that I had NEVER seen before, moves that had been hidden for a REASON. For the most part, people were horrible, but I think everybody had fun.

The next night we had a dinner party and had some more friends over. Even though this was not a party revolving around DDR, we did end up playing it...again. I even have some footage of the Barb vs. Tim duel, which I will be uploading somewhere shortly. I can't say either of them have been elevated to the title of DDR Master, but I got to say that the little video is damn funny.

What I am most thankful for about this weekend, is the fact that Tim and I have inspired others to get their own DDR sets: Tarah ebayed hers right after the party, and Barb just asked Tim if she should buy the PS2 or XBox version of the game. Got bless DDR!

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