Friday, December 01, 2006

Good Riddance

"The only thing that's gonna be left after a nuclear holocaust is Cher and cockroaches."

This was once said in reference to the resilience of two of the world's ugliest and nastiest creatures.

So the other day Diesel and I went to Goodwill to donate several of our winter sweaters. There were about 30 pieces of clothing altogether. We dropped it off, and upon getting off our car, I saw them. Staring at me. Mocking me. There they were: the VINYL PANTS.

For those who haven't known my husband for very long, there was a time where he was a pseudo rock star. And during this tumultuous identity crisis, he purchased a pair of what he thought at the time to be the MOST AWESOME pants. VINYL. SHINY. BLACK. UGLY. NASTY. UGH.

Vinyl pants were NEVER in, unlike their close cousins, but equally nasty, the leather pants for men. And even then, those were only semi cool-looking on old and crusty gay German men with chicken legs.

But I digress...

So there they were. One of the world's ironies. The most despised piece of clothing in the pile REMAINED. Like Cher and the cockroaches.

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