Thursday, January 19, 2006

The New Dance Revolution

"Don't drink and do DDR"

Sound advice from a 15-year-old kid. It was 9:30, and after watching the new Queen Latifah movie, Tim and I decided to go to GameWorks.True, we were about twice as old as the other kids there. And yes, the game that we ended up playing was RIGHT IN FRONT of the place, by all the windows, where EVERYBODY can see you. But we didn't care. We were up for a night of DDR.

"What the heck is DDR?," you ask.

Well, DDR is only the COOLEST GAME EVER, aka DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION (yes, "dance" twice, not just for effect, but because it's truly about dancing).

Here are the components of this most exciting and fun game:

1) Game itself with tons of Eurotrash hits
2) Dancing pads, which provide quite a workout

Now, the white boy and the Asian girl really sucked indeed (I did take off my boots so I could dance better, only to have the workers there tell me to put them back on), but we had fun. So much so, in fact, that I decided to buy the home version of DDR.

Upon arriving at work today, my friend Lauren and I spent several minutes ebaying the item. I was stunned at the amount of DDR games/pads that are out there!

Apparently I was totally unaware of the dance revolution that is taking place out there. Unlike the 70's disco dance revolution, this dance revolution is taking place in the houses of geeks all over the world! Geeks who will not leave their house, but feel very comfortable busting out their Napoleon Dynamite moves in the safety of their home.

I'm no geek, but I am gladly joining this dance revolution. I shall organize a dance-athon even and invite all my girlfriends. This will be FUN!

D00d!!! I just found out there are REAL DDR COMPETITIONS! Check out this link, it's really inspirational videos:

3rd Place Champ 2002
DDR'ing to Ricky Martin

Large and in charge do the DDR
My peeps do the DDR

AND, there are organized teams that practice and get ready for competitions. To find your local chapter, click here.


Anonymous said...

You know what... I hate to break it to you, but if you spend time dancing on a plastic pad, then eBaying said pad, and Googling the pad, then you are, in fact, a geek!

You're also working the high tech industry, have a blog, and are engaged to developer.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and shits like a duck... it's a duck!

Deal with it my Skreechy friend! Live long and prosper. May the Force be with you. Na-noo, na-noo.

David said...

Hey, check this out...