We spent all of day travelling. I hate days like that. All you do is sit on the plane and do nothing. I did get some reading done. Seeing that, as always, I procrastinated on my book club book (The Glass Castle), I managed to read about 240 pages on the plane. It started out slow, but got better.
Anyhow, the day before we left for Germany, I realized that I had told my friend Winny, whom we were staying with, that we were arriving in Munich on Sunday. Thing is, we were LEAVING on Sunday, but not getting there till Monday morning. I franctically tried to get a hold of them, but for some reason, he doesn't have voice mail set up on his cell. I ended up managing to get a hold of his roommate Ramona, who said she would pass along the message.
We got to the airport and took the U-Bahn to downtown Munich, where Winny lives. He was indeed at home and made some joke about me once again planning way in advance bu planning wrong. Whatevers, I accept the derision because I deserve it.
After a nice shower, Tim and I headed out to explore Munich. The weather was beautiful, and to my surprise, I found the Altstadt rather empty. We had Indian food and then made a pilgrimage (at least that's what it seemed like) to the Englische Garten, a park in the middle of the city. There we took a 2.5 hr nap, which rejuvenated and put us both in a much better mood!
Since it was Diesel's bday, we went out for dinner to this cool little restaurant down the street from where Winny lives. Winny's roommate Anja and friend Ute joined us for dinner. The food was Turkish, but i SWEAR I got chicken kung pao, which didn't taste Turkish at all. It was all delicious and I would definitely go back when I'm back in town.
To celebrate Diesel's bday, the restaurant gave him a bottle of Prosceco. We finished off the night at a Biergarten, where Winny introduced us to our new favorite drink: Radler (beer + seven up mixed together).
We got home at around 12:30. And that's how we dodged the dreaded jetlag...