Tuesday, September 05, 2006

On Our Way to Sri Lanka!

So I have lots to tell about the wedding, but since I only got 4 more min on the Internet, just wanted to let you all know that Diesel and I made it to Singapore (after 17 hrs of flying and 20 hrs of travelling) safe and sound.

The awesome thing was that we travelled BUSINESS CLASS. We were checking in and the lady at the counter was confirming our reservations: Tim Sale and Kelly Chow, business class. My eyes grew really big. BUSINESS CLASS!!!

Anyhow, besides the fine china and the fact that they offer you TWO, not just one drink, you also get tons of legroom and a chair that leans back almost all the way...

More to come later. We're now going to catch our plane to Sri Lanka.

By the way, thanks to all of you who were at the wedding! It was the happiest day of my life and you were all part of the reason.

Lots of Love!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations T&K! Your wedding was amazing and so much fun. You looked so beautiful and Tim was stylin' in his tux--very handsome!

Thank you guys for a great party and for having Nate and I there to share your night with you.

Enjoy your honeymoon to the fullest and bring back lots of stories and pictures! I don't want to see too many more postings on either of your blogs until you both get home--forget about the internet until then! This is your time to get lost from home :-).

Talk with you soon and, again, GREAT party and gorgeous wedding!

Love Kristin

Unknown said...

RELIEVED to hear you did NOT get lost and ended up in Africa somehow. Have a great trip and be safe, hold Diesel's hand wherever you go so you don't lose him! :-)