Wednesday, April 11, 2007

UNACCEPTABLE Behavior in the Workplace

Top 10 list of aberrations of social behavior in the workplace that must be EXPOSED, MOCKED and ultimately ABOLISHED/PUNISHED for the safety and sanity of others:

1) Not bothering to lock your stall when you are using the toilet. This is a case where clearly YOUR business is nobody else’s business
2) Clipping your crusty toenails in your office (this is especially disgusting if they start flying off into your officemate’s face)
3) Washing your DISGUSTING feet in the bathroom sink
4) Guys: Braiding that long strand of grease you call HAIR
5) Bringing kim chi for lunch and stinking up the communal fridge
6) Taking your laptop into the bathroom stall and TYPING while you do whatever you’re doing
7) Sneaking into work with your kids on the weekends, so you can all spend quality time together STEALING pop
8) Embroidering religious attire with the company logo (such as a yarmulke)
9) Eating cup of noodles and pop for breakfast
10) Showing up in the kitchen with a big jug of dish detergent and shamelessly washing your NASTY beard in the kitchen sink

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