Monday, May 01, 2006

Pepto Bismol Anyone?

This weekend we all headed up to Baker one last time this season. It was the last weekend the resort would be open, so of course that was cause for celebration. There would be some spring skiing/snowboarding, followed by Ron's party (who I must say, I've only met once) and a lot of hanging out.

So much excitement!

Somewhere along the way, though, the excitement died. I can pretty much pinpoint the exact moment when the excitement ended. It was Sat morning, when I woke up feeling uhm, not so good. What started out as a stomach ache turned into fatigue, which turned into two hours of sleeping by myself in the car (while Erica and Emily went snowshoeing), which turned into several hours of puking. Erica took good care of me and after the party started, I was still laying in bed. The last puking incident finally brought Diesel into the picture, and he decided it was best we drove home.

After 15 hrs of sleep, some more hurling and two meals of nothing but Sprite and saltines, I finally felt a lot better.

Today I went to work and somewhere in the conversation, somebody mentioned they were sick all weekend. People started rising up from their cubicles, pointing at each other and saying: "You too???" All in all, 5 of us were sick over the weekend, victims to the same symptoms. John and I slept it off and backstabbing geek (the wimp! If you ask me, he could stand to puke and have diarrhea for a while and lose several pounds) went to the ER. Courtney said she knew she was coming down with something, and proudly waved the bottle of Pepto Bismol that she had been taking. Just as fast we all got into what could have been that got us all sick. While part of the room thought it was the Thai food we all had on Fri, the other half blamed the biscotti they all had. We didn't come to any conclusion. The important part was, after all, that we were all better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey K, almost positive you and your coworkers had the stomach flu as I know at least seven people who have had it in the past two weeks including myself and several of my coworkers. I agree, it was absolutely horrible! Poor Nate had to leave me curled up in the fetal position on the couch since he had to work. Glad you are feeling better and we missed you guys!